Community Builder Awards
This award recognizes one FunTeam volunteer who has demonstrated the principles of FunTeam Alberta in their community for a successful tenure of at least 10 seasons. The Community Builder Award was created to recognize the volunteers that have displayed a deep dedication for maintaining FunTeam Alberta programming in their community
Nomination Criteria
FunTeam Alberta's success is primarily attributable to our chief asset: the volunteers. Without these hardworking, dedicated individuals, FunTeam would not be able to achieve its mandate of low-cost, family oriented sporting opportunities. This is our opportunity to pause and thank those who have displayed immeasurable dedication to our organization, their FunTeam group and their community.
Each year a soapstone carving depicting FunTeam Alberta's core principles will be awarded to a volunteer who has displayed a long standing impact to their community. Nominations will be accepted from any FunTeam Alberta member and the award is presented annually to the chosen nominee.
- The recipient of the Community Builder will have displayed an outstanding contribution to FunTeam Alberta and its programs over a span of 10+ seasons.
- There must be record that the nominee has been registered with the organization during their tenure with their FunTeam group.
- Must be (or have been) a member in good standing with FunTeam Alberta.
Nomination Timeline
FunTeam Alberta will start accpeting nominations in January and accpet nominations until the end of June each year.
A selections committee will review the nominations at the beginning of each fall in September. When we have our finalists for the awards selected they will be shared and promoted throughout the fall season. We will cap off our award season by announcing the Community Builder Award winner at out Annual General Meeting each December.
Nominate a volunteer!
Download and complete the nomination form.
It is very important that the nominator(s) submit as much relevant information as possible and that the nomination form is completed in full. Please note that the selection committee will deem a nomination incomplete if the information provided is insufficient. | Nomination Form |
Community Builder Award Recipients
Click on the pictures below to learn more about how these amazing award recipients made a difference in their communities.
2018 Recipient:Terry Young Stony Plain FunTeam Hockey 1995-2017 |
2022 Recipient:
FunTeam Alberta 2003-2022 |
2023 Recipients:Penny & Shawn Stephani 2012-2023 |